My answer to the title of this topic thread is "No". For me it is better to be POMO, than to to PIMO, and it is better to be PIMO than PIMI, but it would be have far better to have never ever become PIMI.
I wish I had never become baptized as a JW and I wished I had never become a publisher (in the JW sense) and I wish had never joined the theocratic ministry school. [I joined the theocratic ministry school at age 8.] I wish had become an atheist before age 8 (or even better, remained a non-believer in God since the moment I was born). I wish as a very young child that I had stopped making prayers (despite my parents and the religion telling me to pray at bedtime and before each meal). I wish my mother hadn't said I had to pray and hadn't taught me how to pray. I wish I had disobeyed the Bible and my mom as a very young child, in regards to by refusing to pray and in regards to demanding (or at least urging) to not be taken to the kingdom hall. I think I it might would have been better for me if I had rebelled against my father, in regards to by complaining about having to participate in WT Bible study with my father and sister (though that would have resulted in me getting multiple intense spankings by my father and being frequently yelled at by him).
I wish I had never started reading WT literature. I wish I never ever been raised to read the Bible or even to be religious. I wish I had never been told to believe in God and the supernatural.